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It's Crunch Time AGAIN!

Updated: May 11, 2023

On Wednesday 20th July the pool trustees will be meeting with Buckfastleigh Town Council to discuss the seriously shocking rising running costs and the threat this brings to the future of our pool after this summer.

We will be asking the Town Council to listen to the community and to support the community view on whether to meet the future costs of running the pool from an increase in local council tax, OR to close it from January 2023. We would like this to be a COMMUNITY decision and for as many people as possible to have their say in the decision.

We will be holding a range of consultations over summer and into autumn so you can add your voice. All we ask is that the Town Council listen to that consultation and go with the majority view.

The meeting on Wednesday 20th July 2022 will be our first formal convers

ation with the council and the meeting is open to everyone. Please do come along and join us to hear more about the funding crisis and add your voice to the conversation.

If you wish to have input into this discussion, please come along to the meeti

ng at 7pm on Wednesday 20th July 2022 in the

Main Hall of the Town Hall.

If you have an opinion but are unable to attend, please email us at or the Town Clerk at before the meeting. There will be plenty of opportunity to add your view over the coming months too.


ITV News filmed at Buckfastleigh Pool

ITV West Country News filmed at our pool on the 21st June 2022 highlighting the serious financial situation which could close our pool in 2022.

We will be holding a series of consultations over the summer and talking to our town council on the 20th July 2022.

It's vital that we get your views on the future for the pool and park. Please do come along to the meeting, drop us a line or talk to us over the summer.

We won't be open in 2023 unless we can show that the town wants to keep it open.

"Rising energy costs could close Buckfastleigh Swimming Pool after 130 years!"


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